
q4 2019 + q1 2020

the importance of looking after yourself in all aspects of life cannot be overemphasised in normal times let alone in 2020. you want to live like you only require 25% of your strength. all these companies, businesses and even individuals struggling after only a month of quarantine really brings to light the extent of the living pay check to pay check problem. when you drive around dundee there are surprisingly a lot of new jaguars and range rovers roaming around. these vehicles cost £35,000+ but the majority of these are leased for hefty interest payments. for example if someone is paying £600 a month towards a car, a quarter of this is likely to be interest.

even if you’re making a respectable £3,000 post tax income it quickly becomes apparent that losing ones job would be catastrophic when you factor in a mortgage on a house too large for them.

I choose to drive a 2006 car even though I could comfortably buy a range rover outright without faffing around with monthly payments. this allows me flexibility because looking after myself means I can look after people I care about. for example a close family member got into a spot of trouble 6 months ago with £6,100 worth of payday loans charging 1300% annual interest. at first I thought it was a sick joke but when I realised the severity of the situation I paid it off for them.

q4 2019 and q1 2020 dividend income:

side hustle
side hustle
side hustle
q4 2019 total £1,203.54
side hustle
side hustle
side hustle
q1 2020 total £1,849.35

I also regularly give charitable donations to various organisations.

another reason to look after yourself apart from being able to look after your loved ones is that no one else will look after you. like many NHS workers being on the covid team has not given me any time to buy chicken, toilet paper or rice when there was a serious shortage late March. the only “benefit” we have had is “free” parking which normally costs me £50 a month and quite honestly should be free anyway.

our research unit published a peer reviewed article on covid19 which I’ll leave the link to:

investing properly will ensure a consistent stream of dividends come rain or shine. if dividends are still paid by companies/funds during one of the worst investment times in history then they are likely to stay. make sure you look after yourself and try not to get too carried away by the scaremongering by the media.

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